Interview: Tom Lennon

Dec 2003.
KP Issue XXX: Blast A Duke


kp: Michael Ian Black told us he constantly is mistaken for one of the Kids in the Hall. Does this also happen to you?
Yes, I am complimented on my work in Kids in the Hall once or twice a week. It's a nice feeling.

kp: Who is your muse?
My Muse is a tiny, faerie like creature from Gnardgnanesh: a country that only exists if you wish it to. He's about 4 inches tall, greenish, and resembles a little twig. In meetings, people just think there's a little twig on my shoulder... but he actually came up with most of my ideas for Starsky and Hutch, Taxi, and the Untitled Lennon/Garant project that's in the works.

kp: Lt. Dangle on Reno 911 seems to have a wavering accent. Is he part "nowhere person"?
Look, the shorts are REALLY tight, so if I can string two words together, for me it's a success.

kp: What is the first record you ever bought?
The first record I bought with my own money was Rio. Years later I had the pleasure of meeting Duran Duran, and they graciously invited my sister to go to Connecticut with them on their bus.

kp: If a production of "Oh God! Here We Go Again" was to start again, what living actors would you cast to replace the late John Denver and the late George Burns?
I'd go with myself in the John Denver role, and a computer generated John Denver in the George Burns role.

kp: What 8 letters would you have tattooed on your fingers to spell words?
I guess you've never noticed that I already have ILUV IHOP. Sometimes they put makeup over it, 'cause we don't have a placement deal with those pancake fuckers.

kp: People are saying that Joey may have his own spinoff of "Friends" next year. If asked to reprise your role as his "Hand Twin," will you?
Yes, Of course I'd pair up with Matty L.B. for the Joey thing. If the price is right, and if I can make my own hours, and if I get some sort of special chair.

kp: What is the best/worst thing that happened during the filming of "Out Cold"?
The best thing that happened during the filming of Out Cold is that I forged a friendship with Lee Majors that endured for almost 12 weeks. I'm not sure if he'd remember me now, but at the time we were practically "an item."

kp: Who makes the best hot dog in Los Angeles?
Without a doubt, the best hot dog in L.A. is a place called Tasty Dog. Which is on Lake Street. From Hollywood, take any major interstate EAST for three days. When you see signs for CHICAGO/MILWAUKEE -- take CHICAGO. Follow the CONGRESS EXPRESSWAY, and get off at HARLEM AVE. Then make a right on LAKE. Tell 'em I sent you. (Then tell them who I am). Then please bring me back two.

kp: Do you have any questions for kittenpants?
Yes, I have one question for you. You're not the same Darci who I asked out in 6th grade who then blew me off completely, are you? If so, what happened?
kp: I am not. I am sorry that a Darci was such a bitch. Are you sure it wasn't a Darcy?

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