Interview: Bruce Campbell

SEP 2000.
KP Issue V: Van Halen!


KP: How many times have you been asked if you will be in the new SPIDERMAN movie?
I can't count that high...

Will you?
When asked, sure!

KP: Do you have any plans to work with Clint Howard?
Many plans, but they're very hush-hush. If I told you, I'd have to kill you...

Have you ever done karaoke?

KP: What song? Was it LADY by STYX?
Brandy - that cheezy 70s sailor song.

KP: In the grand tradition of films like CHOPPING MALL and ELECTRIC DREAMS, do you have a favorite evil robot/evil computer movie?
Yes, the robot from Lost in Space - the 60's TV show - scared the hell out of me with those flailing arms. Aaaaaah!

KP: Why don't I see you on talk shows more often?
Because my lips are sewn shut as part of a restraining order from my 5th wife. Talk shows aren't cool if you can't talk. You dig?

KP: On 'Jack of All Trades' do you ad lib lines like 'Over my leathery butt crack,' or does someone actually write that into the script?
That was a combo of an ad lib and a tweak from the director of the episode, but yes, I enjoy having the latitude sometimes on shows to do that - that's what we actors do.

KP: Sheesh! That question really got away from me. Do you get the craziest fan mail? What is the weirdest thing any fan has sent you?
These 10 questions... Other than that, I was presented with my first fan to get an Evil Dead tattoo. Love like that lasts forever, man...

KP: Tell us a story!! What's the wildest thing that happened during the filming of the EVIL DEAD movies?
To get the last shot of the film (where an evil entity races through the woods and runs into me) Sam Raimi mounted a camera on a motorcycle and rode it, full speed, into me. He screwed up his knees and I cracked a few ribs, but it's for art, right? Right?

KP: That's the best story ever. Besides you, who is the best 'Bruce' in the entertainment industry?
Are there any other Bruce's in the biz? If so, I'd like to meet them. We could bond and tell jokes beginning with the letter B.

Corn Mo: Will you produce my rock-n-roll movie?

CM: Is Joe Bob [Briggs] your dad?

CM: Have you ever been seduced into Scientology?

CM: Is Tom Cruise your arch-rival?
Yes, but he doesn't admit it - he pretends like he doesn't know me.

CM: How much ass do you get?
More than you can possibly imagine.

CM: Will Brisco County ever be a movie?
Yes - we start shooting tomorrow at 8:00 a.m. - you bring the doughnuts.

CM: Will you ever do a buddy movie with Buddy Hackett-"Tales of the Gold Monkey" movie?
Been there, done that.

CM: Do you like strippers?
Of course I like them - I AM a stripper.

CM: Do you like Van Halen?
Not sure - does he do on-line trading?

CM: Do you like Rush?
Do you like really smelly gym socks?

CM: Have you ever "let loose" in a department store?
Yes, but only once. I was young.

CM: Will you ever write yourself a vehicle to speed past Keanu and Cruise?
Snoresville, baby.

CM: Will you run for office in due time?
I have run for office. I am mayor of California. Hello? Do you read the papers?

CM: Do you eat candy much?
Wait a minute, let me finish chewing my mouthful of Circus Peanuts.

CM: Why hasn't somebody put you with Cusack? Because nobody has vision.
It's because of me - I'm blind.

CM: Would you ever play GI JOE?
Why not? That's my nickname, baby.

CM: You should have your own sitcom based on "Army of Darkness" where you work at the department store and fight evil and call it "Nobody Gets Me".
And you should leave your apartment at least one time per fiscal year.

CM: Trey Parker and Matt Stone will call you soon if they know what's good for them.
I'll be sure to get call waiting...

CM: You could play a time-traveling evangelist that fights demons and then learns a lesson or two about people.
You could help me pick the lint out of my navel, but what fun would that be?

CM: You could play anybody better than the A-list. If you ever played with Nicholson the camera would explode and Pacino and DeNiro would be jealous for the rest of time.
You speak of these so-called actors. Who are they? Do they do dinner theater in Orlando?

CM: Who is your favorite band?

CM: Do you work out?
I prefer to work IN.

CM: Do you make time for lunch?
No - I DO lunch.

CM: Would you like fans to carry you on their backs for a fundraiser called "Bruce Across America"? It could happen.
I did it, but I quit when fans dropped me on my head in Boot Lick Wyoming.

CM: Can we get together for beer and mutton someday?
Tomorrow at 7:30 okay for you? I'll tell my people...

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